Thursday, July 13, 2017

Chalis Pomeroy Montgomery's Call to Arms on Bastille Day and a Renewal of Progressivism in Georgia Politics

Chalis Pomeroy Montgomery
Democratic Party Candidate
for the GA 10th Congressional
Chalis Montgomery is going to kick off her campaign for the 10th Congressional Seat of Georgia on the theme of Bastille Day, (July 14-though her campaign won’t officially begin until July 14).   The French Revolution began in part over riots around the high cost of bread and Louis XVI’s incompetence and “let them eat cake” attitude springing from his distance, well kept from the plight of the common people.
This revolution for the common people is a fitting theme for her candidacy often opens her stump speech with an anecdote about one of her feisty Pomeroy ancestors, be it a revolutionary figure at Lexington, Massachusetts,  or an English squire fighting for dispossessed sharecroppers. 
For her this history isn’t academic, it seems more akin to a muse for her, her ancestors watching over her like the figure of Clio, the muse of history, overseeing the acts of congress.   There is in her a passion for justice in this time of reckless robber barony we live in.  She calls the people to arms to address the injustice, in the tradition of Martin Luther King.    A call to peaceful arms, if you will.  And resistance, yes, but better, for real progress, for instance, in the form of universal health care and a living wage, as well as support for small businesses with corporate tax relief while asking the large corporations to pay their fair share. For her, it’s no academic case, since her daughter’s health care is at stake.
Marianne, a symbol of the French 
Revolution, with Phrygian Cap,
Called the "Liberty Cap" 
during the American 
the Symbol of the Voter.
Chalis embraces the kind
of populism that calls
for more power for
the voters and less
for the very wealthy
 If this all sounds a bit dear or overly poetic for politics, I blame Chalis.  With her background in music, business, and ministry, she brings not just the usual competency you’d expect one  must have to make a go of Congressional politics, she has the subtle fire of southern backwoods preaching, and the pleasant harmony of music to accompany  it.   Chalis Montgomery reaches deep into an old loving tradition of American Progressive Populism-that strain of appeal to the needs of the common people, the good, hard working citizens of this country not looking for an entitlement, but rather a just society where a rising tide lifts all boats. 
She’s a new breed of Progressive Southern Democrat, who supports a Universal Health Care program and isn’t afraid to stand up for it.  She shares her progressive spirit with other progressive fighters for improvements and expansions in democracy like Josh McCall (Georgia 9th Congressional Seat) and RJ Hadley, for Secretary of State.  With a background in small business, she’s aware of the impact of Federal policies on them, and realizes that Universal Health Care will ease the burden of health insurance on small business people.  Likewise, while she seeks to increase corporate taxes for the larger corporations, she looks to ease rates for small businesses. 

Chalis, along with other Progressive Georgia
Candidates like Josh McCall and RJ Hadley
recall a time of more outspoken champions of
a "Square Deal" for the Common Person, with
the Fighting Spirit of a Great Progressive
Like Teddy Roosevelt
Conservative politicians, such as her opponent Jody Hice fantasize making the size of government small enough to “drown in a bathtub”, and take part in tax schemes which create huge payouts for the very wealthy.  Meanwhile, Chalis, like Progressive President Teddy Roosevelt, realizes that the federal government has an important role to play as a servant of the common people rather than the corporate lobbyists in Washington who call the shots and hire politicians like Hice in a never ending revolving door.   Chalis Pomeroy Montgomery, like her ancestors, knows when it is time to fight.  As she says, “It is time to hear the call to arms to stand up for what we believe in this country.”  She plans to stand up for the common folk of Georgia and seek to place their interest above the very wealthy who take an ever increasing share of the wealth of this nation.
Links: Chalis Montgomery's website:
Her Appearance at the Columbia County Democratic Party:
Josh McCall for All (for the 9th Congressional Seat:   Supports Universal Health Care
RJ Hadley (Progressive for Secretary of State):  Supports Automatic Voter Registration and replacing the vulnerable electronic voting system.

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